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10-15 cloves garlic

2 whole eggs

1 egg yolk

60ml white wine vinegar

Juice of 1 lemon (40 ml)

60ml extra virgin olive oil

600ml canola oil

1 ½ tsp flaky sea salt


Peel and crush the garlic. In a food processor, whisk together the eggs, garlic, lemon juice and vinegar until they are smooth. While the processor spins, add the oils in a slow and steady stream watching the mayonnaise pale and then thicken. Once you have your desired consistency, taste and season the aioli with sea salt.


The Capitol aioli is super garlicky and hot. It is the perfect foil to our fried squid and generally goes well with seafood, snails, roast potatoes and bread.

Makes: 750g

Preparation time: 15 mins

Equipment: food processor

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